Monday, January 16, 2012

Schizophrenia memoir free today on Kindle

Free Book again today

Louise Gillett (Schizophrenia at the Schoolgate) has written a memoir of surviving and thriving after a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It's a free download today for Kindle users.
Please pass the word to anyone you know who might want a copy of her e-book 'Surviving Schizophrenia: A Memoir.'

Here's the link:


  1. Thanks, Rossa. Much appreciated! (I think I must have said thanks to you about two hundred times by now: it is never enough!) Louise x

  2. Guys,

    Any way I can walk into a brick and mortar store and buy this book?

    Please know I will support (ie buy) this book and Rossa's book.


  3. Hi, B'ham,

    I'll ask Louise Gillet, the author, to respond to your request. My book is still in the construction zone!


  4. Hi, B'ham

    I have been looking into producing a printed copy of my book for a while, and recently decided to do this with the Amazon print on demand service CreateSpace. I was reluctant to do it this way initially, because the book will cost at least £10 to buy this way, which seems a bit costly to me.

    If you set the book any lower, you end up paying money to Amazon for each copy printed. However, I am going ahead because at least it will get a paper copy out there for people who want it. So, in the next few days to a week, a paper copy will be available. I will link to it on my blog and on here. Thanks for your interest. Louise x


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