I have a file in Microsoft Outlook where I keep all the stuff related
to my correspondence with Chris's doctors, going back to 2003 when Chris was
hospitalized at CAMH in Toronto, and continuing on through the two year day
program he was enrolled in from 2004 to 2006, until the present. This time
span allows a glimpse into how biological psychiatry was carried out in hospitals, with its
constantly changing medications and dosages, its reliance on E. Fuller Torrey as THE schizophrenia expert, and its lack of constructive engagement of the family, to outline just a few of its problems. We are perhaps looking back on the beginning of the end of psychiatry as we knew it. Even within the time span cited, I have seen changes for the better taking place as the tenets of biological psychiatry at all costs have been challenged. I like the way Eleanor Longden put in in her recent exchange with psychiatrist Allen Frances.
Over my next few posts, I'll be dredging up some of the e-mail exchanges I have had with Chris's doctors. Here are some messages from them dating from his time at CAMH, a time where I knew very little about what was happening to Chris, and when my husband and I just took what the doctor said at face value. I have the luxury of going back and putting in my own comments (see footnotes) based on what I have learned in the intervening years.
Dec./Jan./Feb. 2003/4 (3 month hospitalization)
CAMH doctor
The usual therapeutic range of dosages of Risperidone is between 4 and
6mg per day, although some people may respond to even higher doses. Chris
is currently at 4mg, the lower end of that range. He had a good response
to a lower dose of the medication, but his response has plateaued and
currently is actually not doing as well as he was even a week ago. Given
our observations and his reported thoughts and perceptions, there is very little question in my mind as
to the diagnosis of Schizophrenia. [forbes1]
CAMH doctor
Chris has identified
a number of religious and existential themes
recently, and I also
believe that he may benefit from speaking to someone about these issues [forbes2] . I know that he has shared a strong relationship
with Father Strand in the past, and we have asked him if he would like for
us to request that he visit Chris. We will endeavour to make
these arrangements for him according to his wishes.
CAMH doctor
During this period
of recovery, as a family, to best support Chris it is important to become
familiar with the illness and also the existing treatments [forbes3] and the vistas for new strategies in the
future. Some the books that I have found helpful are Surviving Schizophrenia by E. Fuller Torrey [forbes4] as well as Living and Working With Schizophrenia
by Thornton, Jefferies and Seeman.
About halfway
through his stay at CAMH, after withdrawing his application for the Review
Board, withdrawing from his university, and having narrowly avoided electroshock treatment because he
stopped eating, Chris’s doctor writes:
With the increased
clarity of his thoughts, Chris is also reporting that he is feeling depressed
with poor appetite, energy and decreased enjoyment in life.
The magnitude of the thoughts and feelings that he describing and his
clinical presentation at this time, is suggestive of a Major Depressive
Episode. It is unclear what the relative contributions of his
depression and psychosis to his overall clinical presentation at this
time. Depression can occur with psychosis and the depression is treatable
with the addition of medication [forbes5] to target his mood,
energy and appetite symptoms. With your consent, we propose to add
Venlafaxine (also known as Effexor XR) in addition to his existing
Risperidone, at a dose of 37.5 mg once a day. The usual target range
is from 75mg to 300mg once a day. We anticipate that we would start to
see a response in his depressive symptoms within 3-4 weeks of starting the
medication. The typical side-effects include nausea, insomnia and perhaps
restlessness, which are usually time limited (less than 1 week) and responsive
to alteration in the dosing strategy e.g. with food, morning vs evening dosing.
Medication to "treat" the illness to date: Risperidone, Effexor
based on what the doctor thinks is going on in someone else's head. Not very scientifically rigorous.
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