Monday, July 5, 2010

The best teaching blog on schizophrenia

I wish Ron Unger was on my radar screen when Chris first fell into the mental health system. Ron is a social worker who writes the very thoughtful blog Recovery from "schizophrenia" and other "psychotic disorders."

What I really appreciate about Ron's blog is how positive, reassuring and "can do" it is. This is exactly what people need from the outset to instill the belief that yes, their relative has problems, but these problems are understandable and can be overcome.

Here's a quote from a recent post that shows humility- the recognition that the clients are often the best teachers and that one must adapt to each situation. Contrast this with the many psychiatrists who offer only medications and blanket solutions for individual patients.

I have spent years trying to help people who have problems with voices and other sorts of mental events, and I have noticed that whenever I thing I have “the answer” someone comes along with a situation for which that answer does not work. So a better approach, I think, is to have a number of possible answers or approaches, and then move among them flexibly, choosing what best fits the situation. It is not good to rely too much on any particular method, because each method has disadvantages as well as advantages.

Ron Unger has an incredibly perceptive view of "schizophrenia."
If you haven't read Ron's blog, I urge you to do so. If you have a friend or acquaintance who has recently entered the mental health maze, please point them to this blog.

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